Blockchain Network Valuation

Valuation approaches for distributed network-based companies  Roop Singh, Munir Tawfiq Traditional valuation methodologies are limited in valuing early-stage blockchain networks for the purposes of investment and deals activity. Valuation methods are used to attribute “value” to assets, technologies, intellectual property, brands, user bases, and resulting network effects, and any other tangible or intangible that can…

Why blockchain companies fail?

A Blockchain Business Diagnostic Model Roop Singh, Dr. Nishant Dass, Dr. Al Tilooby, Justin Breen Why read this report Using a 32-point criteria for evaluating blockchain companies, this summary report  presents a diagnostic model to assess their success as well as challenges holistically. It identifies 25 companies which we researched, analyzed, and scored, to exemplify…

Beyond the Bitcoin Bubble

By STEVEN JOHNSON JAN. 16, 2018 This article first appeared in New York Times Photo illustration by Delcan & Company. Balloons by Jenue & Laura Ortega. The sequence of words is meaningless: a random array strung together by an algorithm let loose in an English dictionary. What makes them valuable is that they’ve been generated…